Persephone Theatre’s season opener compares perception and reality of small-town life

“You should feel in the show that you’ve met 15 different people from this town.”

Joshua Beaudry was ready for his Persephone Theatre main stage directing debut with Stones in His Pockets in 2020. Then the show was cancelled.
“I was feeling a big loss. I love the show. I love the work that the actors are doing,” he said.
Now, Beaudry is excited to get another chance to direct Marie Jones’s play about resilience and hope in hard times for the start of the theatre’s season. He described the play as a tragic comedy and said it’s a great story for the current time.
Set in a quiet, rural Irish village, Stones in His Pockets shares the experiences of two residents who are hired as extras when a film comes to town. The play shows the contrast between reality in the village and the version portrayed on screen.
A cast of two actors — Skye Brandon and Nathan Howe — portray 15 characters throughout the play.