There are plenty of parking options around Persephone Theatre and the River Landing area. Click an option below to learn more.
Please note: Persephone Theatre does not own or operate any of the parking lots in the area. The parking lots are owned by the City of Saskatoon and are run by the city or contracted out to Precise ParkLink. If you have parking concerns, please contact the City of Saskatoon or Precise ParkLink.
422 Ave A South
426 Ave B South
$6 per 24 hour period
CASH & CREDIT card only
Pay at designated pay towers or through the Parkedin App
Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
MAXIMUM 3 Hour limit, COIN & CREDIT card only
After 6pm and Sundays are free.
River Landing Parkade entrance is located west of the Persephone Theatre building. Pay at designated pay towers underground. Please note, the River Landing Parkade is operated by Precise Parklink
Parking Prices are as follows:
$12/day (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
$2/hour (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
$7 flat rate for: 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Pay by coin, credit card or HonkMobile parking app.
PLEASE NOTE: If you park in the River Landing Parkade located under the Remai Arts Centre, you can enter Persephone Theatre by using the parking link and following the signs leading to the building entrance.
Bike posts along streets in front of theatre
Bike rack underground at the art gallery (enter Westside behind Persephone)
Lock your bike at all times
Underground public parking is available at the following rate:
Hourly: $4 or Daily: $18