Update on COVID-19
Persephone Theatre takes concerns surrounding COVID-19 seriously. We are closely monitoring the situation, and will continue to check and follow the most up to date Saskatchewan Health Authority, World Health Organization and Government guidance on the virus. At this time, the risk to Saskatchewan is still assessed as low. You can monitor this status by visiting www.saskhealthauthority.ca
Persephone Theatre is continuing to welcome guests to our theatres and scheduled events including our Main Stage production of Stones in his Pockets and our Deep End presentation of Inside/Out. But the health and well being of our patrons is very important to us. If our subscribers and ticket holders feel they need to stay home, we will gladly exchange tickets for another performance of choice.
We are taking extra precautions and have increased our cleaning regime in the Remai Arts Centre, with special attention on our door handles and high volume areas. Persephone staff have been encouraged to stay home should they present signs of illness at any time.
Please be assured that the safety and health of our staff and visitors is Persephone Theatre’s top priority. We will be continuing to monitor the status of the situation and implementing any new recommendations set by the aforementioned governing bodies and provide regular updates. Be sure to check persephonetheatre.org for updates as they become available.