Event Marketing Coordinator

POSITION: Event Marketing Coordinator

STATUS: Full-time, temporary 8-week contract. Some evenings and weekends may be required.

REPORTING: Reports to the Director of Marketing & Communications and Executive Director


Persephone Theatre, a leading cultural institution in the City of Saskatoon, with a passion for the arts, who is interested in marketing and communications. The successful candidate will support the development of marketing and communication strategies and content for Persephone’s 50th Anniversary Season celebrations.

Persephone Theatre is located on the beautiful lands of Indigenous peoples who have lived here since time immemorial, including the Nêhiyawak, Nêhithawak, Anishinabek, Nakawe, Nakota, Nehinawak, Lakota, Dakota and Dene peoples. This place is also the homeland of the Métis. At Persephone, we also like to acknowledge the contributions of the Whitecap Dakota and Round Prairie Métis peoples in establishing our city of Saskatoon. Persephone Theatre is located on Treaty 6 territory and is committed to living in good relations with our Indigenous neighbours, in the spirit with which the Treaties were intended.

Persephone sits amidst an increasingly vibrant city centre and attracts a loyal and diverse audience looking for the very best in theatre experiences. From its busy MainStage, its second stage The BackStage Stage, and rehearsal halls; to its theatre school and youth programming; and the many events held in its venue, Persephone Theatre has established itself as a cultural hub. Persephone Theatre is committed to reflecting the rich diversity of our community in the stories we tell and the ways in which we undertake creating our work. We prioritize a workplace culture that centres equity, inclusion, and authentic representation. We strongly encourage submissions from those who self-identify as members of historically excluded communities, which includes (but is not limited to) those who identify as IBPoC, 2SLGBTQIA+, d/Deaf, or who have a disability or chronic illness.


This position funded by the Canada Summer Jobs program and will provide the unique opportunity to work at a non-profit theatre organization as it prepares for its 50th anniversary season. This experience will build valuable and transferable skills to any future position in marketing and communications, where story-building, historical reflection, and community connection are essential skills. This position will help our marketing team plan, coordinate, and implement our 50th season events, including internal research through Persephone’s archives to create a robust plan to highlight and share important moments of Persephone Theatre’s history. This position will work within the set-out goals of our Marketing and Communications department’s efforts to engage audiences, and share Persephone Theatre’s rich history in the community for our 50th anniversary season.

This position will report jointly to our Director of Marketing and Communications and Executive Director. The applicant will receive one-on-one mentoring support from our team including the Director of Marketing and Communications, Marketing Assistant and Graphic Designer, and Social Media Coordinator positions.

Persephone Theatre is looking for an individual who is excited to take on the following responsibilities:

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Connection & Communication
    • Connecting with past supporters of the theatre to gather history information
    • Setting up meetings, interviews with supporters
  • Creation & Curation
    • Create engaging text, image, and video content with the Marketing team to share on social media and website
    • Design posts to sustain readers’ curiosity and create buzz
  • Research
    • Gathering information about 50 years of theatre through archivals, past supporters, etc.
    • Compiling the information in an interesting and readable way
  • Collaboration
    • Work with Marketing team to ensure content is informative and appealing
    • Collaborate with other departments to communicate programs, initiatives, and events

 Desired Skills & Qualifications:


  • This is a Canada Summer Jobs grant funded position. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-30 years old;
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written;
  • Creative and collaborative with a passion for new ideas;
  • An energetic attitude and strong work ethic;
  • Passion for theatre;
  • Good research skills;
  • Great sense of humour;
  • Good time-management skills;
  • Ability to multitask
  • Analytical skills;
  • Ability to deliver creative content
  • Attention to detail


  • Experience with Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite
  • Knowledge of relevant marketing tools and applications is a plus
  • Working towards a degree or diploma in Marketing, New Media, Journalism, Public Relations or relevant field

 Salary and Benefits:

  • $16.00 per hour

This is an hourly, full-time position (up to 40 hours per week) working during the summer and may require some work during evenings and/or weekends.

Please send a letter of interest and CV by email to Jodi Schellenberg, Director of Marketing & Communications [email protected] by May 12, 2024.

Ideal start date is May 23, 2024, for an eight week contract.


If there is a potential barrier that might prevent you from being able to apply, we encourage you to let us know so we can work with you to resolve it. If you require assistance with your application, please reach Jodi Schellenberg, Director of Marketing & Communications [email protected] or by calling 306-384-2126 ext 237.

Employment Policy:

Fair and equitable employee and volunteer recruitment practices will be used at all times so that all qualified persons regardless of race, creed, age, gender, gender expression, gender identity, marital status, nationality, ancestry, ethnic origins, family relationship, number of dependents, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, socio-economic status, or membership in a union will be considered to fill any positions that may become available within the theatre. Persephone Theatre recognizes that people experience disadvantages achieving candidacy due to systemic oppression. Our candidate search process will be deliberately mindful of under-represented groups, and aims to be cognizant of any biases that may interfere with an equitable hiring practice. Persephone Theatre’s employment goal is to hire competent, highly engaged individuals to constitute a staff and volunteer base that reflects the diversity of our community. Persephone Theatre relies on section 48 of the Saskatchewan Human Rights code to give preference to marginalized and racialized people.


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