Produced by Theatre Direct Created by Lynda Hill and Thomas Morgan Jones Concept, Dramaturgy and Direction by Lynda Hill Inspired by the story by Thomas Morgan Jones
Photo by Naz Afsahi
Andrew Young
Ingrid Hansen
Alexandra Montagnese
Mike Petersen
Creative Team
Lynda HillConcept, Dramaturgy and Direction
Kelly WolfOriginal Design
Nicky PhillipsOriginal Music
Jennifer LennonOriginal Lighting Design
Mike PetersenPuppetry
Eric WoolfePuppetry
Andy MillerAssistant Design
Eric WoolfePuppets Builders
Clunk Puppet LabPuppets Builders
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Persephone Theatre is thankful for the generous support of the City of Saskatoon, The Saskatchewan Arts Board, Frank and Ellen Remai Foundation, Canadian Heritage Cultural Spaces Fund, and the Canada Council for the Arts.